Radioactive Fanboys by E. Bernhard Warg

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Comic and Rant for Saturday, November 12, 2005

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I’m Not Dead Yet!
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      Gordon Bennett! Has it really been two months since my last update? And even longer since said update actually included a comic strip?
      There have been several reasons, most of which I’ll tell you about later, but one of them has been that, as threatened, I’ve been working on a podcast (and I’ll tell more about that when I have more time and there’s actually more to tell). Another reason is that for the last two weeks, and most likely until Thanksgiving, overtime has been approved at my Real Job. Unlike the usual overtime, however, where we can only go ten hours over forty (for a total of fifty hours, natch), they currently don’t care how much we go over. Needless to say, I’ve trying to abuse take advantage of this as much as possible. Last week (two weeks ago, by the time this posts) I managed to get sixty-four hours, though this week (last week by the time anyone else reads this) I’ll be luck if I reach sixty (though I’ll definitely exceed fifty). Too bad most of that will go to pay bills (though at least I’ll finally be rid of the albatross that is my Radio Shack credit card!).
      One last thing before I get ready to get as close to sixty as I can: Take a look at this:
another buncha lines & stuff
I think I figured out when John Kovalic linked to me (scroll down to were it says “Speaking of Igor Bars”).

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